Children’s Church

Sunday mornings @ 10:30 a.m.

Children are a blessing from God.

If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ,

the world will teach them not to.

Ages: 3yrs - 5th grade

Children’s Director:

Pam Weeks

Teachers & helpers:

1st Sundays: Pam Weeks-Pam Smith-Sherri Beaulieu- Sam Waite

2nd Sundays: Gary Rudd-Sara Gunter-Cindy Crenshaw-Ashley Williams

3rd Sundays: Gary Rudd-Pam Smith-Sherri Beaulieu- Sam Waite

4th Sundays: Pam Weeks-Sara Gunter-Cindy Crenshaw-Ashley Williams

5th Sundays: Kids enjoy church service with their families.

Photo: Samuel Zeller - Unsplash

Photo: Samuel Zeller - Unsplash